6th adolescents
· Oral correction of sts.´ homework. Check they've understood the grammar point.
· Introduction of the topic "Travel Broadens the Mind" (pairwork ideas/group discussion)
· Recording of new vocabulary: adventure/cultural/package/get away from it all/a minute's walk away from/stylish shops/leisure facilities/gourmet cuisine, etc.
· Sts. read the article on the book (page 45) in silence and ask questions if necessary.
· Sts. do the comprehension exercises.
· Games to practise the new vocabulary
- Second Class ( August 21st ): 1) Pronunciation Practice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dSY60K486g&feature=youtu.be&a
2) Videos: http://video.about.com/esl/ESL--Question-Words-in-English.htm
3) Conversation: http://esl.about.com/library/media/audio/aconverse.mp3
4) Present Simple and Continuous: PresentSimpleandPresentContinuous.pdf PresentSimple2.pdfPresentContinuous2.pdf PresentContinuous1.pdf
Extra Practice: Video: Listen and repeat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMH3Ne_6Zns
Multiple Choice: http://www.montsemorales.com/gramatica/PresSimpleAffirm1.htm
Present Simple Negative:http://www.montsemorales.com/gramatica/PresSimpNeg1Spt.htm
Complete the sentences:http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/presentsimple/exercise4.swf
Present Continuous: http://www.eflnet.com/grammar/presprog2.php
Introducing a talking point with a song: Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode
I can conclude that the more experience a teacher has, the more confident he/she feels and and the dependence on the lesson plans is reduced. One of the qualities a teacher should develop is adaptability so that he/she can make changes according to factors such as students' interest, their mood, queries and doubts that come about, students' suggestions, etc.
I'd like to thank Cecilia for her inspirational post and the opportunity to reflect on the changes that have been going on in my plans and in my classes.